Woodford then discovered that two advisory companies axes America of New York and its Cayman Islands subsidiary axam investments received$ 687 million in fees through cash, warrants and preferred shares. 后来他发现,有两家咨询公司以现金、认股证书和优先股等形式,从奥林巴斯获得了6.87亿美元的费用,他们分别是纽约的AxesAmerica公司以及它在开曼群岛的子公司AxamInvestments公司。
Including some stock-based compensation and the conversion of certain preferred shares, the valuation is$ 116 billion. 如果将一些股权薪酬和部分优先股转换计算在内,估值将达到1160亿美元。
Earlier this week, regulators announced that companies would be allowed to issue preferred shares a hybrid between equity and debt to raise capital. 本周早些时候,监管部门宣布,企业将获准发行优先股来筹资。优先股是介乎股票和债券之间的一种混合资本工具。
It also disclosed that last month, the company valued itself at$ 121 billion, including stock-based compensation and the conversion of certain preferred shares. 阿里巴巴还披露,上个月该公司对自身的估值为1210亿美元,其中包括股票薪酬和某些优先股的转换。
But to include preferred shares or not? 但是否该算上优先股呢?
That means taking back preferred shares, not common stock; receiving long-term warrants to purchase new shares of bank common stock at market prices; and restrictions on executive pay, dividends and acquisitions until banks redeem the preferred shares in full. 这意味着回收优先股,而非普通股;接受长期认股权证,愿意在今后以市价购买新发行的银行普通股;限制高管薪酬、分红和收购,直到银行全部赎回优先股。
The total includes debt as well as preferred shares of stock in AIG held by the Treasury Department. 总数包括债务还有财政部拥有的美国国际集团优先股股份。
Although both enterprises were delisted, investors bought their common and preferred shares on the grey market and now want their speculation redeemed. 尽管两家企业均已退市,但投资者仍在灰色市场购买其普通股和优先股,如今他们希望自己的投机得到回报。
Some economists believe we should stick with the current plan, and continue to buy up preferred shares in bank stocks. 某些经济学家认为,我们应该坚持货币计划,继续全部买下银行股票的优先股。
US banks have responded to the liquidity squeeze by issuing record amounts of preferred shares and other "hybrid" Securities a move that has bolstered their balance sheets but has caused concerns among credit ratings agencies. 美国各银行已通过发行创纪录数量的优先股及其它“混合”证券,来应对流动性紧缩的问题此举为银行资产负债表提供了支撑,但引发了信用评级机构的担忧。
The Treasury should offer to match Mitsubishi's investment with preferred shares whose conversion price is higher than Mitsubishi's purchase price. 美国财政部应认购与三菱(Mitsubishi)入股规模相当的优先股,这些优先股的转换价格高于三菱的收购价。
As revealed by the Financial Times last week, the company and regulators are discussing a plan that would allow the government to increase its stake without becoming a majority holder by converting its preferred shares into common stock. 正如英国《金融时报》上周揭示的,该公司和监管机构正在讨论一项计划,将允许美国政府把所持的优先股转换成普通股,从而在不成为其大股东的情况下增持花旗股权。
AIG and the US Treasury, which obtained its stake when it converted preferred shares into common stock last month, declined to comment on the share sales. AIG和美国财政部拒绝就出售股份一事置评。上月,美国财政部将持有的优先股转换为普通股,从而获得了现有股份。
Amex said the equity offering followed additional guidance from the Federal Reserve that made raising funds in the public equity markets a precondition for buying back the Treasury's preferred shares in the company. 美国运通表示,股票发行遵循了美联储(Fed)的附加指引。根据该指引,在公共股票市场募资是回购美国财政部所持公司优先股的前提条件。
In Japan, too, banks have lots of preferred shares in their capital bases. 日本银行业同样有许多优先股存在于资本基础里。
Chinese lenders are increasingly issuing preferred shares, which like bonds pay fixed dividends, to boost their capital ratios. 中国各银行日趋发行类似于债券的支付固定股息的优先股,以提高他们的资本比率。
Balanced funds provide a combination of income and growth by investing in a mixed portfolio of common stock, preferred shares, bonds, and cash. 平衡基金通过投资普通股、先股、券和现金的固定组合,追求收入和增长的组合目标。
They note that the government which owns senior preferred shares in all three companies would receive dividends and principal payments before common shareholders. 分析师指出,政府在这三家公司中均拥有高级优先股,将先于普通股股东获得股息和本金支付。
The company's previously issued and outstanding multiple voting shares, redeemable first preferred shares and subordinate voting shares were effectively canceled. 公司之前的总发行股数多重投票权股票,可赎回的第一优先股票和下属表决权股份都被有效的取消了。
The preferred shares issued according to this article shall not be transferred; 依本条规定发行之特别股,不得转让。
Another sticking point is the authorities 'plan to buy convertible preferred shares in banks deemed to be in need of capital following the stress test. 另一个症结点在于,对那些在压力测试后被认为需要资金的银行,政府计划购买其可转换优先股。
That's because holders of preferred shares can demand their money back before holders of common stock. 这是因为优先股持有者可以在普通股持有者之前要求返还他们的钱。
Wall Street executives argue that preferred shares and similar instruments that are a cross between bonds and equities are in demand from retail investors and provide companies with a cheap and efficient way to replenish their capital reserves. 华尔街高管主张,优先股以及介于债券与股票之间的类似工具符合散户投资者的需求,并为公司提供了一种廉价、有效的方式,以充实其资本金储备。
This would come in the form of so-called convertible preferred shares that would exchange into equity. 这种缓冲将以可转换为股权的所谓可转换优先股的形式提供。
In returnthe state would receive preferred shares. 作为回报,政府将获得优先股。
Lehman's preferred shares also tumbled to new lows, a development that could hamper the company's ability to raise additional capital by issuing more of these hybrid stock-debt securities. 雷曼兄弟优先股的价格也创出了新低,这有可能损害该公司发行更多这类股票-债券混合型证券以进一步筹集资金的能力。